Ramblings of a night owl. deep and shallow thoughts concerning the medial enviroment around us. Sporadicaly updated sadly.

Monday, January 16, 2006

What happens with morale after midnight?

Sometimes I stay up late and use my favorite music channel (no product placements here) as background noise. In doing so I have joined, what the programming department must call, the adult crowd. Their twisted logic is hard to follow but apparently the viewers who shun nudity and foul language never stays up this late so we sleezy viewers may roam free watching uncensored clips of Eminem making out with porn stars and see Robbie William tear the meat of his bones.

I'm not sure who we are protecting but I can't recall any cencored videos that actually had censor worthy material in them. The Robbie William incident conserned his video Rock DJ where he is standing in the center of a disco rollerskating rink with scantily clad women around his. He then proceed to stip down to his cute koala bear briefs before removing even this garment. One could easily think that it was this last act of "depravity" that called for censorship but no, After his naked butt is shown to the faceless crowd sitting in their living rooms watching he rips of his skin and proceed to tear the meat from his own bones throwing them to the crowd of women. It is this last act that was completely cut out in the European MTV version while the nudity was removed from the US one (to no ones surprise).

I still wonder why the video was re edited since there is no full frontal nudity and the tearing of flesh is so obviously computer generated that no one would take this for true. At least no one who stays up late. We are mature enough to realize this while the poor imbeciles who have to go to bed before 9 PM have no way of understanding this. They simply can't grasp the fine line between absolute truth and humor and irony. To them a pound of flesh is something you pay with and not something to play with.

I find it strange that when the clock passes into night the morale goes out the window. Either you think the message is bad or you don't, what kind of mixed messages are you sending by saying it's ok to show it later in the evening. I mean the kids watch dead bodies lying in the streets of Jerusalem but seeing Robbie dishing it out is simply too much for them. Talk about strange values when he can say "give no head, no back stage passes" but can't show him throw meat at girls.


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