Ramblings of a night owl. deep and shallow thoughts concerning the medial enviroment around us. Sporadicaly updated sadly.

Friday, January 06, 2006

This is how much I owe Britney Spears

I remember the first music video I owned. It was Britney Spears Baby hit me one more time and was in love. Not with Britney but with the sleek machinery that was her PR department. Ok, I fell for her as well, or at least the image projected but that was not the reason I started collecting her videos. The shallow but perfect images seduced me into start studying media at the local university. Talk about power images holds over us.

The commercial image is the perfect example of communication through imagery. The industry that is the media had perfected that language and for that I love it. Britney wasn't the end of it thou. today I own over 1800 music videos and the images still intrigue me. the music video is the ultimate merging of art and commercial interests. It's really nothing more that an expensive commercial yet there is channels that do nothing more than broadcast these all day. Would you watch The home shopping network all day?

Think of this next time you watch a music video.


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