Ramblings of a night owl. deep and shallow thoughts concerning the medial enviroment around us. Sporadicaly updated sadly.

Friday, January 06, 2006

What's the next step? Computer games?

The movie industry is currently in turmoil. No one want to go to the cinema anymore, at least not at often as they want us to. What to do, what to do? Let's sell the movie properties to computer developers.

Long gone are the days where Pacman and Digdug entertained us. Today computer games look more and more like their big brothers. Not only have the graphic opened up vistas in immersion but today games borrow heavily from the narrative structure of movies just as the movies themselves borrowed from literature back in the days of Lumiere.

The next evolutionary step is then to start producing games based on movie properties. Today this is a viable market strategy and most big movies try to produce at least one comuter game spin off to be released at the same time as the movie. Take Batman Begins, King Kong or Alexander to name a few.

Sowhat'ss next I can see you are thinking. Well let me tell you Jack. Computer game remakes of old movies or movie properties. How about Dirty Harry? or the old Marlon Brando classic the God father? Who do you want to be today?
There are several movies that is being or have been remade into computer games. A few months ago Rockstar games, infamous for their Grand theft auto games, released the Warriors based on the 1977 Walter Hill classic with the same name.

Could this be the reason young people stay at home instead of going to the multiplex? Certainly not the only reason but I think it plays a bigger part than we currently think. At home they get the cinematic story but with interaction... That's hard to beat.


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