Ramblings of a night owl. deep and shallow thoughts concerning the medial enviroment around us. Sporadicaly updated sadly.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Name one great video

There is something about music videos that keep me comming back for more. I have been collecting them for several years now and I passed the 1800 mark a few months back and still counting. One of the things I like about them is that everyone has an opinion. One think the babes are hot, one like the symbolism and another have fallen in love with the camera movements during a particular scene. And the great thing is that no one have the right opinion.

I think it's the intoxicating mix of music and images that seduce most people. I fit mostly into the 'look at that scene it looks just like the scene from The graduate' category since I can't get enough of intertexuality (references to other literary sources). On other days I can't get enough of camera porn, that is perfect composed images and filtered looks (Think Tony Scott's Man on fire).

Sometimes it's easy to get stuck in a rut only watching old clips not getting any creative input. That's why I need your help. What music video is playing over and over in your head at the moment? Challenge me by writing a comment regarding it and force me to watch it and make my own comment.

Let the good times roll


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I care less and less for music videos: a music video is nothing more than a costly advert that in the end is paid by the consumer. Instead, if one wants to discuss the relationship between music and moving pictures I think one should look at the use of music in movies -- i.e. soundtracks. The director of a movie has the power to strengthen the message of the narrative by a well-chosen soundtrack, at the same time as the song is remembered for its use in the film. Synergy. In music videos I don't see this happening to the same extent where the director's freedom is bound by the constraints of capitalism; the music video has to sell the artist's album, whereas the film has to sell a message.

7:56 pm


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