Ramblings of a night owl. deep and shallow thoughts concerning the medial enviroment around us. Sporadicaly updated sadly.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Inherited fame

"Comics are one step in the digestive process of Hollywood eating
- Allan Moore, writer
Allan More, creator of many brilliant comics adapted for the silver screen, is tired of Hollywood buying comic properties and then completely remakes them into its usual watered out entertainment destroying every single piece of artistic merit the comic ever had. With a track record like him I understand that he has turned his back to tinseltown. So far they have made three movies based on his creations and for the last one, V for vendetta, he even removed his name completely even refusing to receive revenue from the movie.

Mr Moore is one of the few that has voiced his fears over that comics have become a “pumpkin patch for the studios to come picking”. I for one agree with him. The moving image is a powerful medium that today consume everything it touches. Many of the movies that are being made today are based on books, plays, computer games and comics. I would dare to say that only rarely is the movie as good as its original creation. Even if the movie is as good as the original it immediately has inherited its predecessor’s fame. How many comics can you mention that has been made into a movie? After X-men, Spider man, Super man and Hulk it’s getting harder.

Did you know that the movies From Hell, Road to perdition and A history of violence are all based on comics? Don’t feel bad, not many people know this and this is never brought to people’s attention. Most people will never know that there is a visual world out there that you can take with you almost everywhere and that rival many movies you will see at the cinema. Instead Hollywood receives cred for something someone else has created; this is what I mean with inherited fame.

So when you go to the movies next time pay attention to where the story came from. Sometimes it says based on the book by, or the author has co credit as producer or writer, You will be surprised how many movies that are made today has borrowed their stories from books and comics.


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